Washington Sculpture Center

Tax-Deductible Donation Form

WSC is a registered non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
Contributions are fully tax-deductible in accordance with the law.

Please print and send form to WSC


Name ____________________________________________________________________________

Address __________________________________________________________________________

City/State _______________________________________      Zip Code ______________________

E-Mail __________________________    Phone _________________    Fax __________________


Regular Donation ($1-$99)        $____________

Friend of WSC ($100-$499)      $____________

Corporate Sponsor ($500+)      $____________       


Add my name to your e-mailing list: Yes___ No___

Make out check/money order payable to "Washington Sculpture Center" or "WSC" (Please do not send cash by mail.) Mail to:


Washington Sculpture Center (WSC)
1338 Half Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003
Visit us online at: DCSculpture.org


List of Current Donors